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A Dream Journal, If You Will.

Names Of Irls Have Been Taken Out For (I Hope) Obvious Reasons :þ

February 17th
I Was In A Gym Class With [PEER], Mostly Just Talking To Each Other Þe Whole Time, She Seemed Oddly Apologetic Tho?
February 18th
I Was Playing Some Important Role In Something, Became A Real Big Shot. Had A Thing Going On With This Lady, He Ended Up Realizing He Was Trans And Left Me A Left Me A Bag With A Skirt (Pale Beige With Pockets) And A Gun, Got Bullied Into A Corner Before Getting Shot At With A Blank Bullet, Saw A Score Board For Life Before Realizing I Wasnt Dead, Contemplated Shooting Back, Decided Against It
March 17th
Like A Sexless Wet Dream Almost???????? Knew Someone Named Kennedeth (Or Trevor?) Seemed To Know Of Each Others Feelings. I Kissed Them, Then Hard Cut To Us Making Out Standing In A Tub, But There Was Electricity In The Water Of The Tub? (Think Like A Toaster In A Bathtub) Weird.
March 30th
My Moþer Did Someþing Illegal, And We Only Had 10 Minutes To Pack And Leave, I Didn't Get To See What Would Happen After. Stressful.
June 4th
Really Weird??? Everyone Was Putting Shampoo In Þeir Mouþs & Making Out??? | Just Kinda Watched Lol, Felt Too Awkward To Join. Þere Were At Least 5 People Þere, Recognized Some Faces Post Dream. Just Felt Uncomfortable Post-Dream.
July, Date Unknown
My Faþer Was In [HOME STATE], I Didnt Feel Safe, [CLOSE FRIEND] Called Me Offering To Help, Trying To Get Me Out Of Þere, Asking Where I Was, So Þat He Could Help Me, But By Þe Time He Called, I Was Almost Out Þe Door By Þen, I Couldnt Really Delay Any Further, I Had To Get Into An Odd Vehicle, Like A High Lifted Truck + A Van, & Mother & Father Started Driving Around A Destroyed Version Of My Neighborhood. I Woke Up With A Strange Feeling, Kinda Stiff, But Þe First Part Of Þe Dream Felt Oodly Real, Like I Could Hear [CLOSE FRIEND]'s Voice Super Clearly, I Felt Comforted By Þe Idea Of Him Wanting To Help Me. I Have A Feeling I Know What Stirred Þese Feelings Up, & Needless To Say, Im Never Vaping Again :þ
July 25th
Prison Island-Type Deal? I Dont Þink I Was Entirely My Self, Was Following A Mix Of Tomoko (From Watamote) & Myself. Helped Start A Revolution In Þe Prison, Made It Out Front, Water Was Disorientingly Clear & Oddly Deep, I Was Able To See Þere Was An Airport On Þe Island. Some Sort Of Guard Comes Out Wiþ A Gun, Says Someþing Along Þe Lines Of, "Did You Þink Þere Would Be No Opposition?" (Guesstimating From What I Remember) I Immediately Go Underwater, Since Im Þe Closest To Him, And I Dont Wanna Get Shot. He Gets In Þe Water & Grabs One Of Þe Smaller Escapees, I Surface Back Up To See Þe Guard Monologuing While Holding My Peer By Like Þe Scruff I Guess? I Get A Gun (Some How) & Shoot Him In Þe Side Of Þe Head While He's Not Paying Attention, But He Survives?? I Dont Really Question It In Þe Dream, & Instead Try To Find Anoþer Gun, & Þe Guard Is Looking For His Gun In Þe Water, Which As We're Furþer Out, Its Gotten A Lot Darker. He Also Mentions Someþing About How His Glasses Should Also Be Out Here, But I Was Waking Up At Þat Point